Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Those People"

In our life B.E. (before Ellie) John & I used to land at coffee shops and work for hours on our computers...planning for the future, dreaming about ministry things, getting organized.

Every so often someone would come in with a toddler, and we'd inwardly groan
"OOOOH NOOOO! Now we won't even be able to hear ourselves think!"

Today John invited me & Ellie to join him at the coffee shop for an appointment he had with a worship leader in town. Yeah, that lasted for about 10 good minutes. Then the running began. Then the loud squeals began. (What can I say...she likes the echo of her voice off of the high ceilings). Then the fussing began. Then the temper tantrums began. (Something new...I guess it's a new strategy...).

I sincerely and empathetically apologized to the gauntlet of people working on their laptops as we quickly exited the building. Ellie and I went back home where there were less constraints, more toys, and an abundance of things to eat...and left Daddy to his much more focused conversation.

Yep...we've gone through another rite of passage...

today we became "those people".

Saturday, August 27, 2011


We're inviting you to join in with us
to help give Ellie a forever home.  
So we're hosting a fundraiser to help
pay for our home visit and attorney's fees.
You can be a life-changing part
of the process by donating here:

Friday, August 26, 2011

Things I Learned This Week...

  1. how to bob my head when I hear music or a hard-driving rhythm (daddy loves that!)
  2. how to wave good-bye as soon as I hear the "exit" music on my favorite shows
  3. how to blow bubbles in the bathtub, turbo style
  4. how to hum to music on the radio or tv...I can also mimic mommy's ringtone on her cell phone!
  5. how to hit all of the cymbals and drums on daddy's kit all by myself
  6. how to make mommy & daddy kiss in a group hug
  7. what lace-up sneakers feel like on my feet...thanks to Miss Melissa, I now have really hip plaid ones, and pink converse ones, and tiny flowered ones...I'm stylin'!
  8. that I love Grandma Judy...AND I love talking to her picture on the wall now that she's gone
  9. how to give our dogs Gracie and Mazi gentle hugs & kisses...and how to sneak them food under my highchair tray
  10. how to bark and pant hard like Gracie's my "big trick" I do to show off to all the new people I meet!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Grandma Comes to Visit

I had SO much fun with Grandma Judy this weekend!  She came from Chicago for a few days, just to see me!!!  

We had fun going for walks through the park...and she's really good at feeding me.  It's like she's done it before!  :)  

We went to the sprayground and to my favorite restaurant in Plaza Midwood, The Diamond.  We ate fried pickles and sweet potato fries together, and when we got home she read to me out of my books.  

She brought me a really, really cute pink elephant to play with that matches my room PERFECTLY!  To top it all off she got to enjoy watching me during BATH TIME!!!  What FUN!!!

I really loved giving her hugs and kisses.  I can't wait for her next visit!  :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

10 Things Mommy Learned This Week:

  1. Most days, coffee makes the difference between "do-able" and "I'm outta my ever-lovin' mind"
  2. Even on the roughest days, one big neck hug from Little Miss makes it all worthwhile
  3. Bath time creates a cosmic attitude shift in everyone's day
  4. Unsolicited "I love you's" (in sign language) simply take my breath away
  5. Watching my beloved do his Wonder Dad thing is sexier than any underwear ad on the planet
  6. Starting out my day by saying, "Oh, hiiiiiiii!" like Ellie does, is a really, really good idea
  7. Poopy bath water does NOT own me!!!
  8. Sometimes the "important things" on Mommy's list just have to wait on more important snuggling together in the rocking chair
  9. Group hugs and kisses make everything alright...absolutely everything.
  10. Meghan Murray's chocolate covered strawberries transport me to another universe...seriously.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tonight Was a First:

Our very first POOP during bath time!!!  ( do you like that for an update?!?!)

It happened to me once when I was babysitting my nephew (who shall remain nameless in order to preserve his sense of personal dignity), but it's DIFFERENT when it's coming from a petite, beautiful little miss with gynormous blue eyes...who was squealing with delight...all when you're only moments away from cuddling.  Simply shocking to the system.

We went from "oh yes, sweet girl...splash that splash that water" to "GOOD GOSH, LAND MINES!!!  You grab the baby, I'll grab the bath toys!!!..."

I might need some over-priced therapy to get the traumatic visual out of my mind.

Now the sweet innocence of bath time has been tarnished, and the time we so cherished now has a certain sinister, risky quality to, it could be magical or it could be quite's anyone's guess.  It's kind of like some sort of demented episode of Sponge Bob Square Pants.

I think this is where the proverbial parentally thick skin begins to develop.

My goodness, one can only hope.

Bath time is simply magical...

Who wouldn't love those beautiful blue eyes...?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What do you think?

Someone mentioned we might look a little alike...hmmmm...
Mommy & Me

Things we learned this week...

  1. How to nod my head "yes" and "no".  (somehow yes takes a little more intentionality than no...something that will carry on into grown-up life, I'm afraid...)
  2. That it's a gut-wrenchingly sad thing when Daddy leaves for work.  (Mommy's felt this way for a while now, but she felt oddly validated as I melted down at the thought of him not being around...she says she likes my style, and plans to melt down just like me the next time he leaves.
  3. Peanut butter makes a nifty facial mask as well as a great afternoon snack.  Who knew?!
  4. There is NO accurate "intake to output" ratio when it comes to pooping.  Sometimes I can poop my entire body weight into a single diaper.  For reals.
  5. If I lean back and collect my spit into the back of my throat, I can make gurgling noises like I'm talking under water.  I crack myself up!
  6. Daddy will teach me all kinds of things at the dinner table that, if continued, will socially ostracize me as an adult.
  7. Sometimes Momma DOES know best...
  8. There will always be a fallback career waiting for me at Wal-Mart as a greeter...or maybe as a hostess at a restaurant (which combines TWO of my favorite things:  saying "hi" to total strangers and food!  That's what Mommy calls a "win-win"!)
  9. Ice cream is enjoyed best when I let it run down my chin, smear it in my hair, and wear as much as I eat!
  10. Group hugs & kisses with Daddy & Mommy make me giggle...and I can never get enough!!!  :)

First Garage Sale Shopping...

What we "scored":

  1. 2 PINK Dora the Explorer potty training much as she loves Dora, this should make potty training easy...riiiiight?!
  2. a Winnie the Pooh book entitled, "How Do You Jump So High?"...can't go wrong with Winnie!
  3. a Buzz Lightyear action figure that makes a billion different's almost as big as her, but she LOVES it!  :)  (John says girls can have Buzz Lightyears...'cuz she's a Warrior Princess! )

Friday, August 12, 2011

Miss Ellie's TOP 10 Favorite Things:

  1. taking barrettes and pony tail holders out of her hair 
  2. climbing ANYTHING
  3. Dora the Explorer
  4. board books
  5. bath time
  6. greeting new people she meets...EVERYWHERE!
  7. hangin' with Daddy
  8. waking up and saying "Hi!" as our welcome to the morning
  9. patting bellies
  10. sharing her chewed food  (eew!)