Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Those People"

In our life B.E. (before Ellie) John & I used to land at coffee shops and work for hours on our computers...planning for the future, dreaming about ministry things, getting organized.

Every so often someone would come in with a toddler, and we'd inwardly groan
"OOOOH NOOOO! Now we won't even be able to hear ourselves think!"

Today John invited me & Ellie to join him at the coffee shop for an appointment he had with a worship leader in town. Yeah, that lasted for about 10 good minutes. Then the running began. Then the loud squeals began. (What can I say...she likes the echo of her voice off of the high ceilings). Then the fussing began. Then the temper tantrums began. (Something new...I guess it's a new strategy...).

I sincerely and empathetically apologized to the gauntlet of people working on their laptops as we quickly exited the building. Ellie and I went back home where there were less constraints, more toys, and an abundance of things to eat...and left Daddy to his much more focused conversation.

Yep...we've gone through another rite of passage...

today we became "those people".

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