Saturday, August 13, 2011

Things we learned this week...

  1. How to nod my head "yes" and "no".  (somehow yes takes a little more intentionality than no...something that will carry on into grown-up life, I'm afraid...)
  2. That it's a gut-wrenchingly sad thing when Daddy leaves for work.  (Mommy's felt this way for a while now, but she felt oddly validated as I melted down at the thought of him not being around...she says she likes my style, and plans to melt down just like me the next time he leaves.
  3. Peanut butter makes a nifty facial mask as well as a great afternoon snack.  Who knew?!
  4. There is NO accurate "intake to output" ratio when it comes to pooping.  Sometimes I can poop my entire body weight into a single diaper.  For reals.
  5. If I lean back and collect my spit into the back of my throat, I can make gurgling noises like I'm talking under water.  I crack myself up!
  6. Daddy will teach me all kinds of things at the dinner table that, if continued, will socially ostracize me as an adult.
  7. Sometimes Momma DOES know best...
  8. There will always be a fallback career waiting for me at Wal-Mart as a greeter...or maybe as a hostess at a restaurant (which combines TWO of my favorite things:  saying "hi" to total strangers and food!  That's what Mommy calls a "win-win"!)
  9. Ice cream is enjoyed best when I let it run down my chin, smear it in my hair, and wear as much as I eat!
  10. Group hugs & kisses with Daddy & Mommy make me giggle...and I can never get enough!!!  :)

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